Chuck Lee Property Management Plan

M. Gallagher, T. Myrie & J. Román

Yale School of the Environment, Management Plans for Protected Areas

A collaboration with former classmates Tesfa Myrie and Matt Gallagher at the Yale School of the Environment for its Land Management Plans graduate seminar, this volume collects the team’s efforts in assessing the history, stakeholders and biophysical properties of a 49-acre private property in northeastern Connecticut. Work includes GIS mapping, land tenure and deed history, soil pits and type classification, description of site hydrology, stand classification and descriptions and forest health evaluation, all leading to final management recommendations for the landowner, according to his own land use goals.

48 full-color pages; 8 x 10 inches; Digital offset printing by Blurb, San Francisco; Imagewrap hardcover, perfect bound; 1st edition, 2018; English


Santa Clara River


Sounds of Watching